Yet Another Code Site |
This page answers questions frequently asked about Rich Edit controls, the Borland TRichEdit VCL component, and the VCL in general. I humbly suggest that you spend some time here before posting queries to newsgroups or sending me questions. Of course, if you have questions not answered here or elsewhere on this site, please feel free to send the questions to me. And if you find a solution for a problem that might be of interest to others, please share this information with me so that I may add it to this site. |
The Questions: |
I downloaded a code sample from this site but it does not compile. (11-01-1998) Read the FAQ. |
When I use TRichEditOle(RichEdit1) in my form's constructor, it does not work properly. (11-01-1998) Read the FAQ. |
TRichEditOle works until I for a while and then the OLE features stop working. What gives? (11-01-1998) Read the FAQ. |
I created a Rich Text Format (RTF) document in WordPad and inserted a bitmap in the document. When I load the document into a TRichEdit control, the bitmap is not displayed. When I print the document, the bitmap is not printed. How do I display and print bitmaps with a TRichEdit control? (11-01-1998) Read the FAQ. |
How do I determine the current position (line and character offset or column) of the cursor in a TRichEdit control? How do I move the cursor to a specific line or column? (11-01-1998) Read the FAQ. |
How do I control the margins when printing the contents of a TRichEdit control? (11-01-1998) Read the FAQ. |
I want to print the contents of two TRichEdit controls on the same page. However, when the first page finishes, the page is ejected and the second one begins on the second page. How do I print them on the same page? (11-01-1998) Read the FAQ. |
I want to create a print preview window for my TRichEdit control. Where do I start? (11-01-1998) Read the FAQ. |
I want my Print Dialog to display "Print Range, From Page 1 To [last page]." How do I determine how many pages a TRichEdit will print so that I can display the page range in the Print Dialog? (11-01-1998) Read the FAQ. |
I want to display a bitmap behind my TRichEdit control. Is this possible? (11-01-1998) Read the FAQ. |
I created a TRichEdit control, set the PlainText property to true, and set the font to a fixed-pitch font (e.g., Courier New). How do I set the tab stops so that the columns line up properly? (07-24-1999) Read the FAQ. |
Many Windows programs let you undo/redo many changes. Can I add multi-level undo/redo to TRichEdit? (11-01-1998) Read the FAQ. |
I know that I can turn on word wrap by setting the TRichEdit WordWrap property. This causes lines to wrap at the window boundaries. However, I would like to have lines wrap exactly as they would print while I edit text in the control. (11-01-1998) Read the FAQ. |
How do determine the current insert/overwrite mode for a TRichEdit? (11-01-1998) Read the FAQ. |
When I load a large document (greater than 64k), the document loads fine and I can scroll to the bottom. Oddly, I cannot add text to the control. If I delete some text, I can add that number of characters back, but I cannot add more text than I delete. How do I load and edit large files with TRichEdit? (11-01-1998, updated 12-21-2000) Read the FAQ. |
The TRichEdit vertical scrollbar disappears sometimes. Is there a fix or work-around? (11-01-1998) Read the FAQ. |
How do I determine if a document file is plain text, Rich Text Format (RTF), or something else before I load the document? (11/01/98) Read the FAQ. |
You mention that the Rich Edit 2.0 control supports multi-level undo/redo. What else does it do? (11-01-1998) Read the FAQ. |
I am interested in the Rich Edit 2.0 control. Where do I get it? (11-01-1998) Read the FAQ. |
I wrote a custom component that needs to trap the parent form's messages. How do I subclass the form's WinProc to call my class's member function? (11-01-1998) Read the FAQ. |
I wrote a component that saves the Printer()->Handle when it is created. At some point in the program, the saved value seems to no longer be valid. What causes this? (11-01-1998) Read the FAQ. |
I am using TRichEdit::Print(AnsiString Caption) to print the contents of a Rich Edit control. Why does the caption not print at the top of any of the pages? (11-01-1998) Read the FAQ. |
I downloaded the TRichEdit20 sample code. Why does it raise an "out of resources" exception when I add or insert a line of text programmatically? (11-01-1998) Read the FAQ. |
The Lines property of TRichEdit returns only the plain ASCII text from the control. I want to get the raw RTF-encoded text from a Rich Edit control. How do I do that? Can I insert RTF coded text into a Rich Edit control? Can I copy text from one Rich Edit control into another without using the Clipboard? (11-01-1998) Read the FAQ. |
I combined the printing code from the Printing and Previewing Rich Edit Controls paper with the TRichEdit20 class. When I try to print, the program hangs in the rendering loop. Any ideas? (11-01-1998) Read the FAQ. |
I downloaded the TRichEditRawRtf class code from the site and it sounds like what I need. Unfortunately, whenever I attempt to insert RTF-encoded text, I get an exception with a "code 16." Why? (02-18-1998, updated 12-23-2000) Read the FAQ. |
The TRichEdit20 class looks like it should be simple to convert to a component. Why do you distribute it as a class instead of a component? (04-03-1999) Read the FAQ. |
When I distribute my program, I have to distribute other Borland runtime library DLLs with my program. How do I include everything in my program so that I do not have to distribute any other files? (07-24-1999) Read the FAQ. |
Many programs have buttons on the Help About dialog that will let the user send the developer e-mail or link directly to the developer's site. How do I do that? (07-24-1999) Read the FAQ. |
When I disable a Rich Edit 2.0 control, the background is redrawn in gray. TRichEdit leaves the background white when disabled, which is what I want. Why is this? Can I change this to get the white background instead? (07-30-1999) Read the FAQ. |
I wrote a TConversion class for my application's documents and used TRichEdit::RegisterConversionFormat to associate the file extension with the converter. If I open one of my application's documents, the data is converted as expected. If I then open a *.txt file without restarting the program, TRichEdit tries to convert the plain text as if it were one of my application's documents. Similarly, if I first open a *.txt file and then open one of my application's documents, the data is not converted. What is going on? (07-31-1999) Read the FAQ. |
I need details on the Rich Text Format (RTF) encoding format. Where can I get more information on the RTF specification? (10-19-1999) Read the FAQ. |
I am taking a C/C++ class and my homework assignment requires that I print the result of several computations. The instructor has given me code to print the results but it does not work. (11-01-1999) Read the FAQ. |
I want to print an RTF document file, but I do not need to display it in a Rich Edit control. Can I simply print the document without using all of the Rich Edit printing code on your site? (01-13-2000) Read the FAQ. |
You used the phrase "RTF round-tripping." What the &*$% is that? (01-25-2000) Read the FAQ. |
When a user pastes text from the Clipboard into my TRichEdit control, I want the text to be unformatted. I set the PlainText property to true but, when the user pastes text, formatted text is inserted. How do I ensure that pasted text is unformatted? (07-14-2000) Read the FAQ. |
Is there a simple way to use regular expressions with TRichEdit controls? Most regular expression libraries use a unique syntax what is the particular syntax used by the VCL library? (08-27-2000) Read the FAQ. |
My program works flawlessly on my development machine. However, some users have problems printing with certain printers which I do not have available for testing. Is there a way to recreate the problems on my development machine? (09-09-2000) Read the FAQ. |
The TRichEdit component takes much longer than WordPad to open large files. Can I improve the load times? (09-22-2000) Read the FAQ. |
How do I save and restore the current scroll position in a TRichEdit component? (10-19-2000, updated 01-14-2001) Read the FAQ. |
Where can I find a code sample to do <something>? (12-22-2000) Read the FAQ. |
How do I trap double-clicks on a TRichEdit? (12-23-2000) Read the FAQ. |
How do I get the TRichEdit to scroll to the bottom of the text when new lines are added? (12-25-2000) Read the FAQ. |
I am using Rich Edit 2.0/3.0 and set the paragraph line spacing to single, 1.5, or double using PARAFORMAT2.bLineSpacingRule. After setting the spacing to 1.5 or double, I cannot set the paragraph line spacing back to single-spacing. What gives? (01-27-2001) Read the FAQ. |
In my program, the TRichEdit flashes excessively when I do certain things. That is, it appears to be redrawn frequently. How do I eliminate flicker in TRichEdit components? (02-20-2001) Read the FAQ. |
The TRichEdit component works properly on Windows 95/98/NT but behaves oddly on Windows 2000. What is causing this? (02-24-2001) Read the FAQ. |
My program loads riched20.dll (i.e., it uses RichEdit 2.0/3.0). Is it possible to determine at runtime which version (2.0 or 3.0) is actually loaded? (03-03-2001) Read the FAQ. |
In addition to left, center, and right paragraph justification, the RichEdit 2.0 PARAFORMAT2 structure includes a "full justification" value (PFA_JUSTIFY). It does not seem to work. Any ideas? (03-04-2001) Read the FAQ. |
Microsoft Word's spell-checker underlines misspelled words with a red wavy underline. Can RichEdit controls do this? (09-07-2001, updated 09-10-2001) Read the FAQ. |
The Answers: |
I downloaded a code
sample from this site but it does not compile.
There are a couple of possibilities: (1) You are using BCB 1.0 or (2) the code has bugs.
(1) If you are using BCB 1.0.
Most of the code on this site should work with BCB 1.0 with minor changes. There are two primary categories of changes that you should expect to make.
First, BCB 3.0 introduced a new macro (or maybe it is a keyword) "PACKAGE." The code may work if you simply remove "PACKAGE" wherever you find it.
[ By the way, if you have BCB 1.0 and find yourself searching the include files and source directories regularly, consider using the DOSKEY utility that comes with Windows 95. DOSKEY lets you scroll back and forth through the most recent commands, edit them, and re-execute them. It is very handy if you spend much time with the DOS command line.
Second, BCB 3.0 added new headers and may have reorganized the contents of some of the old headers. If you get an error message that says that a header could not be found, try commenting the #include statement out. It may not even be needed. If this generates errors elsewhere in the code, try searching all of the include files in the \include and \include\vcl directories for the function being called. The GREP utility included with BCB can be used to do this and has a switch for searching subdirectories.
One more tip: Both BCB 1.0 & 3.0 come with a VCL class browser. It is included in the examples and, once compiled, can be added to the IDE Tools menu. This tool makes studying the VCL and navigating through the class hierarchy code much easier. ]
(2) You believe that the code has bugs.
Most of the code samples and FAQ examples are taken from a large working project. I may have inadvertently left calls to functions in my project that are not included in the code on this site. There are also a few examples that I cobbled up from bits and pieces of otherwise unrelated code. I may simply have screwed them up. If you believe that the code is incomplete or simply wrong, please send me e-mail so that I can fix it.
When I use
TRichEditOle(RichEdit1) in my form's constructor, it does
not work properly.
This is probably because the Windows handle for RichEdit1 was not valid. See the paper titled Window handles vs. TRichEdit (and other VCL) controls available on this site.
TRichEditOle works until
I for a while and then the OLE features stop working.
What gives?
The VCL is free to destroy and create controls whenever it needs to. Certain events, like changing the Scrollbars property for a TRichEdit control, cause this to happen. When this does happen, the connection between the TRichEdit control and TRichEditOleCallback class is lost the "new" Rich Edit no longer calls the TRichEditOleCallback functions that provide the OLE support. See the paper titled Window handles vs. TRichEdit (and other VCL) controls available on this site for more information.
I created a Rich
Text Format (RTF) document in WordPad and inserted a bitmap
in the document. When I load the document into a
TRichEdit control, the bitmap is not displayed. When
I print the document, the bitmap is not printed. How
do I display and print bitmaps with a TRichEdit
The Windows Rich Edit control relies on OLE to provide support for displaying and printing bitmaps. Adding OLE support solves this. See the code sample titled Adding OLE functionality to TRichEdit for one solution to this problem.
How do I determine
the current position (line and character offset or column)
of the cursor in a TRichEdit control? How do I move
the cursor to a specific line or column?
How do I control
the margins when printing the contents of a TRichEdit
See the paper titled Printing and Previewing Rich Edit Controls available on this site.
I want to print the
contents of two TRichEdit controls on the same page.
However, when the first page finishes, the page is ejected
and the second one begins on the second page. How do
I print them on the same page?
See the paper titled Printing and Previewing Rich Edit Controls available on this site.
I want to create a
print preview window for my TRichEdit control. Where
do I start?
See the paper titled Printing and Previewing Rich Edit Controls available on this site.
I want my Print
Dialog to display "Print Range, From Page 1 To [last
page]." How do I determine how many pages a
TRichEdit will print so that I can display the page range
in the Print Dialog?
See the paper titled Printing and Previewing Rich Edit Controls available on this site.
I want to display a
bitmap behind my TRichEdit control. Is this
Thanks to Kimberly Paternoster for sending the solution for this one.
I do not know of a way to do this with Rich Edit 1.0 controls. Kimberly says that it cannot be done: "As it ends up, RE 1.0 doesn't support transparent background. It paints the background in the WM_PAINT message instead of the WM_ERASEBKGND."
Kimberly went on to point out that Rich Edit 2.0 controls can be created with the WS_EX_TRANSPARENT style to allow a background bitmap to show through. The WS_EX_TRANSPARENT flag tells Windows to paint all sibling controls obscured by the Rich Edit 2.0 before painting the Rich Edit control.
This turns out to be remarkably easy to add to the TRichEdit20 class available on this site. Simply add
Params.ExStyle |= WS_EX_TRANSPARENT;
to the TRichEdit20::CreateParams() method. Then drop a TImage on the form where the TRichEdit20 object will be displayed. Load a bitmap into the TImage and set the Alignment and AutoSize properties as desired. That is all that there is to it.... Well, under certain conditions, I found that I also had to set the TRichEdit->Brush->Style to bsClear.
I was also successful changing the WS_EX_TRANSPARENT flag after the Rich Edit 2.0 control was visible using:
LONG exStyle = ::GetWindowLong(RE->Handle, GWL_EXSTYLE); exStyle |= WS_EX_TRANSPARENT; ::SetWindowLong(RE->Handle, GWL_EXSTYLE, exStyle); RE->Brush->Style = bsClear; // just to make sure
Finally, I can confirm Kimberly's observation. This does not seem to work for Rich Edit 1.0 (TRichEdit) controls.
I created a
TRichEdit control, set the PlainText property to true, and
set the font to a fixed-pitch font (e.g., Courier
New). How do I set the tab stops so that the columns
line up properly?
This one took a remarkable length of time to solve. There are a few prefacing comments.
First, this is only an issue if you are trying to display a formatted output with a fixed pitch font. This is common for source code editors and hexadecimal dumps where each character of output must line up with the character above it. If you are using a proportional font, then absolute offsets from the left margin are fine and you do not need this FAQ.
Second, the native Rich Edit control allows you to set up to 32 tabstops (MAX_TAB_STOPS as defined in richedit.h) beyond that, you're screwed.
Third, tabstops are set in TWIPs relative to the left margin in the native Rich Edit control. The problem is converting character positions (as offsets) into absolute offsets in TWIPs. The offsets are, of course, dependent upon the font being used.
All that said, the following code works for me.
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef int TTabStops[MAX_TAB_STOPS]; class TMyRichEdit : public TRichEdit { protected: TTabStops FTabStops; int FTabStopsCount; public: __fastcall TMyRichEdit(TComponent* Owner) : TRichEdit(Owner), FtabStopsCount(0) {}; void TMyRichEdit::SetTabStops(int tabCount, TTabStops& tabStops); void TMyRichEdit::SetTabStops(int tabSize); void TMyRichEdit::SetTabStops(int tabChars, TFont& font, bool entireDocument); }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void TMyRichEdit::SetTabStops(int tabCount, TTabStops& tabStops) { PARAFORMAT pfmt; ::memset(&pfmt, 0, sizeof(pfmt)); pfmt.cbSize = sizeof(pfmt); pfmt.dwMask = PFM_TABSTOPS; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_TAB_STOPS; i++) { pfmt.rgxTabs[i] = tabStops[i]; FTabStops[i] = tabStops[i]; } pfmt.cTabCount = (SHORT) tabCount; FTabStopsCount = tabCount; if (::IsWindow(WindowHandle)) ::SendMessage(Handle, EM_SETPARAFORMAT, 0, (LPARAM) &pfmt); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void TMyRichEdit::SetTabStops(int tabSize) { TTabStops tabs; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_TAB_STOPS; i++) tabs[i] = (i + 1) * tabSize; SetTabStops(MAX_TAB_STOPS, tabs); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void TMyRichEdit::SetTabStops(int tabChars, TFont& font, bool entireDocument) { HDC hdc = ::GetDC(Handle); ::SaveDC(hdc); ::SetMapMode(hdc, MM_TEXT); TFont* afont = new TFont(); afont->Assign(&font); ::SelectObject(hdc, afont->Handle); AnsiString s = AnsiString::StringOfChar('X', tabChars); SIZE sz; int cx = ::GetDeviceCaps(hdc, LOGPIXELSX); int success = ::GetTextExtentPoint32(hdc, s.c_str(), tabChars, &sz); int tabSizeTwips =; ::RestoreDC(hdc, -1); ::ReleaseDC(Handle, hdc); delete afont; tabSizeTwips = ::MulDiv(tabSizeTwips, 1440, cx); // hide and save selection CHARRANGE chrg, chrgAll; ::SendMessage(Handle, EM_EXGETSEL, 0, (LPARAM) &chrg); // if entireDocument, set selection to all if (entireDocument) { chrgAll.cpMin = 0; chrgAll.cpMax = -1; ::SendMessage(Handle, EM_EXSETSEL, 0, (LPARAM) &chrgAll); } // set tab size if (success) SetTabStops(abs(tabSizeTwips)); // no error on failure... // restore selection ::SendMessage(Handle, EM_EXSETSEL, 0, (LPARAM) &chrg); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Thanks to Jonathan Grenier and others for pointing out that I left out some important code. Hopefully, the code is now less mysterious.
Many Windows
programs let you undo/redo many changes. Can I add
multi-level undo/redo to TRichEdit?
There are two solutions: (1) Write the code to track changes and implement the undo/redo actions yourself and (2) use Rich Edit 2.0 which does the work for you. See the code sample titled Adding Rich Edit 2.0 functionality to TRichEdit available on this site for solution #2.
I know that I can
turn on word wrap by setting the TRichEdit WordWrap
property. This causes lines to wrap at the window
boundaries. However, I would like to have lines wrap
exactly as they would print while I edit text in the
Try this:
::SendMessage(Handle, EM_SETTARGETDEVICE, (WPARAM) Printer()->Handle,(LPARAM) width);
The width parameter above is the rendering rectangle width in twips.
How do determine
the current insert/overwrite mode for a TRichEdit?
The native Rich Edit control will not tell you whether the next character keyed will be inserted or overwritten. You will have to trap keystrokes and track the insert/overwrite mode yourself. One way to do this is to write your own class, presumably derived from TRichEdit, to track the control's current insert/overwrite state. Note that Rich Edit controls are in insert mode when created.
Here is what I use:
class TMyRichEdit : public TRichEdit { protected: bool FInsertMode; TNotifyEvent FOnInsertChange; void __fastcall SetInsertMode(bool insertMode); void ToggleInsertMode(void); public: TMyRichEdit( ) set state variable DYNAMIC void __fastcall KeyDown(Word &Key, Classes::TShiftState Shift); __property bool InsertMode = { read = FInsertMode, write = SetInsertMode, nodefault }; __published: __property TNotifyEvent OnInsertChange = { read = FOnInsertChange, write = FOnInsertChange, default = 0 }; }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TMyRichEdit::KeyDown(Word &Key, Classes::TShiftState Shift) { TRichEdit::KeyDown(Key, Shift); TShiftState noShiftKeys; if (Key == VK_INSERT && Shift == noShiftKeys) { FInsertMode = !FInsertMode; if (FOnInsertChange) FOnInsertChange(this); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // note: SetInsertMode() does not trigger an OnInsertChange event // void __fastcall TMyRichEdit::SetInsertMode(bool insertMode) { if (insertMode == FInsertMode) return; ToggleInsertMode(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // note: ToggleInsertMode() does not trigger an OnInsertChange event -- // the FInsertMode member shadow variable gets flipped in the KeyDown() // handler // void TMyRichEdit::ToggleInsertMode(void) { // synthesize an insert keystroke (cannot use keybd_event() because // there is no window associated with the API function) if (!Handle) return; // save and clear the event handler TNotifyEvent event = FOnInsertChange; FOnInsertChange = 0; // the following scarfed from a Micro$oft VB(?) example ::SendMessage(Handle, WM_KEYDOWN, VK_INSERT, 0x00510001); ::SendMessage(Handle, WM_KEYUP, VK_INSERT, 0xC0510001); // restore the event handler FOnInsertChange = event; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
When I load a large
document (greater than 64k), the document loads fine and I
can scroll to the bottom. Oddly, I cannot add text to
the control. If I delete some text, I can add that
number of characters back, but I cannot add more text than
I delete. How do I load and edit large files with
This is a rather gray area. I have been able to duplicate some reported problems. However, my solutions do not seem to universally resolve the problem.
First, if you are using BCB 1.0, there is a known problem with the MaxLength property. Check out the paper titled BCB 1.0 & 3.0 TRichEdit bugs available from this site.
Next, try
::SendMessage(RichEdit1->Handle, EM_EXLIMITTEXT, 0, 0x7fffffff);
after RichEdit1->Handle is valid. (See the paper titled Window handles vs. TRichEdit (and other VCL) controls available on this site for an explanation of when RichEdit1->Handle is valid.) Do this before adding or loading any text into the control.
Note #1: I have determined empirically that setting the EM_EXLIMITTEXT to a value with the high bit set can cause problems in some cases. Hence, the 0x7fffffff value above rather than 0xfffffff.
Note #2: Adrian Carter reports that 0x7ffffffd was the largest value that worked correctly on his version of RichEdit 1.0 (riched32.dll, 173,536 bytes, 1996/08/24, version 4.00.834.839).
The TRichEdit
vertical scrollbar disappears sometimes. Is there a
fix or work-around?
This appears to be a bug in the Rich Edit control or in the TRichEdit class. I have found some magical code in TRichEdit (meaning that I have not bothered to completely debug it) that may be responsible. Anyway, here is a workaround (along with my comments to myself):
// apparently there is a bug which we must work around... if you drop a large // file (> 32k?) on a TRichEdit, the vertical scroll bar is not enabled until the // control is manually scrolled down a page. this would not be such a big // deal if we trapped the LoadFromFile() used, typically, to load the TRichEdit // control. unfortunately, that would require deriving from TRichEditStrings // and working a lot harder than I'm willing to work at the moment, so we'll try // to fix it here. the sad result is that the programmer must call this function // after loads to make sure the vertical scroll bar is visible. man! working // around Microsoft bugs is a lot easier in OWL, but it (OWL) looks like a // dead horse. anyway, it is an ugly work-around -- it has an ugly name... // void TMyRichEdit::WorkAroundVerticalScrollBarBug(void) { // scroll down a page, then back ::SendMessage(Handle, EM_SCROLL, (WPARAM) (INT) SB_PAGEDOWN, 0); ::SendMessage(Handle, EM_SCROLL, (WPARAM) (INT) SB_PAGEUP, 0); }
How do I determine
if a document file is plain text, Rich Text Format (RTF),
or something else before I load the document?
There are no guarantees, but here is what I use: See the Code Snippet.
You mention that
the Rich Edit 2.0 control supports multi-level
undo/redo. What else does it do?
Well, I am assuming that it fixes at least some of the bugs in Rich Edit 1.0. Additional functionality: Automatic recognition of URLs and the ability to send a message to your program when a URL is invoked (clicked); and support for new Rich Text Format (RTF) codes (RTF 1.5?). Check out the Microsoft Developer Network for more information. For a demonstration of how to use some of these features, see the TRichEdit20 class in the Code Samples section of this site.
I am interested in
the Rich Edit 2.0 control. Where do I get it?
See the paper titled Using Rich Edit 2.0 With BCB available on this site.
I wrote a custom
component that needs to trap the parent form's
messages. How do I subclass the form's WinProc to
call my class's member function?
See the paper titled Creating a Windows Callback to a Member Function available on this site.
I wrote a component
that saves the Printer()->Handle when it is
created. At some point in the program, the saved
value seems to no longer be valid. What causes
Printer()->Handle returns the handle to the global TPrinter object that is automatically created by the VCL. This object is used by some VCL objects, like TRichEdit, for basic printing.
Printer()->Handle actually returns a handle to a device context (HDC) or a handle to an information context (HIC) at different points in time. If I recall correctly, it actually returns a HDC only between BeginDoc() and EndDoc(), in other words, only when it is printing. Outside of a BeginDoc()/EndDoc() pair, it returns a HIC. The HIC returned before BeginDoc() may be different from the HIC returned afterwards. To be safe, do not store the value returned by Printer()->Handle unless you invest the time to study the VCL code thoroughly.
I am using
TRichEdit::Print(AnsiString Caption) to print the contents
of a Rich Edit control. Why does the caption not
print at the top of any of the pages?
According to the help files, "The Caption parameter specifies the title that appears on the printed output." This is incredibly misleading. The only printed output on which this string would appear is a network print job banner page.
There is no code in TRichEdit::Print() to print headers or footers of any kind. The Caption string is actually assigned to the Title property of Printer (the global TPrinter object). This, in turn, is displayed in the Print Manager (or print spooler) and, as I mentioned, on network print job banner pages.
You can, of course, print your own headers and footers. See the paper titled Printing and Previewing Rich Edit Controls available on this site.
I downloaded the
TRichEdit20 sample code. Why does it raise an
"out of resources" exception when I add or insert
a line of text programmatically?
The "out of resources" exception occurs when adding or inserting a line of text with code similar to the following:
RichEdit1->Lines->Add("Some text."); // to add text at the end /* or */ RichEdit1->Lines->Insert(0, "Some text."); // to add text at the beginning
I was a bit lazy when building the TRichEdit20 class. If you look at all of the code involved to date, you will find a number of supporting classes, some of which are extensions to existing classes. For example, TFontStyle2, TConsistentAttributes2, TTextAttributes2, and TParaAttributes2 are extensions to existing VCL classes. I was trying to keep the number of extended classes to a minimum .
The problem is buried in the VCL TRichEditStrings class. When a line of text is inserted, the TRichEditStrings class adds a carriage return/linefeed pair (CRLF) . It then saves the current start of text position, adds the text, and, if the resulting text position is not equal to the original + the length of the inserted text + 2 (for the CRLF), then the VCL raises an exception. Rich Edit 2.0 controls convert CRLF pairs into CR and, thus, the number of characters inserted is one less than with Rich Edit 1.0 controls. The VCL assumes that this means that there was insufficient memory to insert the text.
The ultimate solution is to create a new class derived from TRichEditStrings and wedge it into the TRichEdit20 class. Until I get around to that, the workaround is to trap the error. If you are uncomfortable assuming that the text was inserted without any errors, you can try the following untested code (let me know if you have corrections):
RichEdit1->SelLength = 0; int i = RichEdit1->SelStart; AnsiString text = "Some text."; try { RichEdit1->Lines->Add(text); } catch (EOutOfResources& e) { if (RichEdit1->SelStart != i + text.Length() + 1) throw e; } // no error
I hope to add an update to cure this problem fairly soon, so keep an eye on the site.
The Lines property
of TRichEdit returns only the plain ASCII text from the
control. I want to get the raw RTF-encoded text from
a Rich Edit control. How do I do that? Can I
insert RTF coded text into a Rich Edit control? Can I
copy text from one Rich Edit control into another without
using the Clipboard?
RTF-encoded text can be retrieved from a Rich Edit control using WinAPI calls. RTF-encoded text can similarly be inserted into a Rich Edit control. Putting the two together allows you to copy RTF-encoded text from one Rich Edit control into another without using the Clipboard.
Code to demonstrate this technique is available on this site. See the TRichEditRawRtf class code sample.
I combined the
printing code from the Printing and Previewing Rich Edit
Controls paper with the TRichEdit20 class.
When I try to print, the program hangs in the rendering
loop. Any ideas?
A new message was added for Rich Edit 2.0 controls, EM_GETTEXTLENGTHEX, which must be used instead of WM_GETTEXTLENGTH. Replace the following line (in both the printing and previewing rendering loops):
int lastOffset = ::SendMessage(RichEdit1->Handle, WM_GETTEXTLENGTH, 0, 0);
with this:
GETTEXTLENGTHEX gtlx = { GTL_PRECISE, CP_ACP }; int lastOffset = ::SendMessage(Handle, EM_GETTEXTLENGTHEX, (WPARAM) >lx, 0);
I have not found a good explanation of the GETTEXTLENGTHEX structure values, so these were selected by trial and error. If you find a good explanation of the structure, please let me know.
I downloaded the
TRichEditRawRtf class code from the site and it sounds like
what I need. Unfortunately, whenever I attempt to
insert RTF-encoded text, I get an exception with a
"code 16." Why?
This particular code is returned by the underlying Windows Rich Edit control, not by the sample code. From my experience, it is caused by trying to insert text that is not properly RTF-encoded text.
The TRichEditRawRtf class uses standard Rich Edit functions to move code into and out of the control, and both assume that you are inserting or extracting a complete and valid RTF-encoded file. That is, when you "GetRtf(), you receive an AnsiString that, by itself, would comprise a valid RTF file. Similarly, when you "PutRtf()," the rtfText parameter must contain text that would be a complete RTF-encoded file.
All of that may be incomprehensible, so let me put it another way. Most problems using the code from the site seem to result from not creating a fullRTF stream to insert into an existing Rich Edit control. A minimally complete RTF-encoded file would be something like:
{\rtf1 Some text}
A more complete RTF stream might look like this:
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deftab720{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss MS Sans Serif;} {\f1\froman\fcharset2 Symbol;}{\f2\fswiss\fcharset1 MS Sans Serif;}} {\colortbl\red0\green0\blue0;}\deflang1033\pard\plain\f2\fs16 Some Text}
The most common mistake seems to be trying to insert only a portion of the above. For example, you cannotuse the following to change the color of the text (by itself):
MyRichEditRawRtf->PutRtf("\colortbl\red1\greeen1\blue1 Some text");
Instead, you must insert something like:
MyRichEditRawRtf->PutRtf("{\rtf1\colortbl\red1\greeen1\blue1 Some text }");
To make a long story short, please spend some time with the sample application it displays exactly what should be passed to PutRtf().
Note: Menno van der Leden reports that using "{\rtf1 Some text}" continued to give the code 16 error. He found that "{\rtf Some text}" (omitting the "1") solved it.
The TRichEdit20
class looks like it should be simple to convert to a
component. Why do you distribute it as a class
instead of a component?
Good question. There are several reasons.
First, I did not develop the code as a full-featured, drop-in replacement for TRichEdit. My intent is to give you a good starting point for learning about Rich Edit controls in general, and the Rich Edit 2.0 control in particular. Frankly, components add additional complexity not related to the issues that I am trying to address.
Second, I am too lazy to answer all of the questions about component installation problems that would undoubtedly arise. I have had plenty of problems installing third party components, converting my own components from BCB3 to BCB4, and the like. Classes are much simpler and engender fewer questions.
Lastly, if you try to convert the class into a component, you will discover that an exception is raised when the component is instantiated by the IDE. This happens when the IDE attempts to set the control's text to match the control's name. As I described in another FAQ (see the link below), I did not rewrite the TRichEditStrings class used by the Lines property of TRichEdit and inherited by the TRichEdit20 class. The TRichEditStrings class assumes that adding a line of text will extend the length of the text in the control by two bytes (carriage control + linefeed, aka CR/LF). Since Rich Edit 2.0 uses only one byte (CR) to delimit a line, TRichEditStrings assumes that the line was not inserted successfully and throws an "insufficient memory" exception. You can trap this in your own code; however, the IDE executes code not present in the TRichEdit20 class. Perhaps there is an easy way around this I will post a fix as soon as I bother to solve it or someone is kind enough to solve it for all of us.
Note: The TaeRichEdit Component available on this site is a full-featured Rich Edit 2.0/3.0 IDE component that solves the last problem. Although largely compatible with the Borland TRichEdit component, there are differences.
When I distribute
my program, I have to distribute other Borland runtime
library DLLs with my program. How do I include
everything in my program such that I do not have to
distribute any other files?
To include all of the needed code in the executable program and eliminate the runtime DLLs in BCB4 and BCB5, change the following options:
Project | Options, Linker tab, uncheck "Use Dynamic RTL."
Project | Options, Packages tab, uncheck "Build with runtime packages."
BCB3 has the same options, but one of them located elsewhere (I think the second one was in the Options menu).
Be aware that this will include the runtime code in your *.exe making it significantly larger. Other options on the Compiler and Linker tabs will also affect the size and speed of your program.
Many programs have
buttons on the Help About dialog that will let the user
send the developer e-mail or link directly to the
developer's site. How do I do that?
Thanks to Michael Cutler for this one. Here is what he worked out (edited to be addresses at ""):
"The ShellExecute() Method works for both HTTP and MAILTO. You need to include '#include <shellapi.h>' for it to work. Below is the code I used (2 buttons, one for HTTP and one for MAILTO)."
//---------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TForm1::HTTPButtonClick(TObject *Sender) { ::ShellExecute(NULL, "open", "", NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TForm1::MAILTOButtonClick(TObject *Sender) { ::ShellExecute(NULL, "open", "", NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------
Keep in mind that these functions assume that the user has installed a default browser and e-mail program, respectively. For truly bullet-proof code, you would need to determine if these default programs were installed.
When I disable a
Rich Edit 2.0 control, the background is redrawn in
gray. TRichEdit leaves the background white when
disabled, which is what I want. Why is this?
Can I change this to get the white background instead?
Well, this was a surprise -- I had not noticed this. My tests confirmed that TRichEdit (Rich Edit 1.0) does indeed leave the background color unchanged when disabled while Rich Edit 2.0/3.0 controls gray the background when disabled. Oddly, I have been unable to find any documented reference to this change.
The easiest way to work around this problem is to use the TRichEdit::ReadOnly property instead of the TRichEdit::Enabled property. Setting ReadOnly to false leaves the background color intact and does not allow the text to be changed, which is probably what you are trying to do.
This is not, however, a perfect solution. A disabled control does not normally receive focus (for example, the user cannot <Tab> or <Shift-Tab> into the control), whereas a read-only edit control can receive focus but the text cannot be changed. This is a rather subtle difference for most purposes, but if it matters to your application, I will suggest a couple of possible solutions:
Use the ReadOnly property, trap the TWinControl::OnEnter event, and throw the focus to the next control (forwards or backwards, depending upon how the user got there). This seems a bit tricky to me, but it may very well be easy with the VCL.
Use the Enabled property and intercept the WM_PAINT and/or WM_ERASEBKGND messages and change the background brush to the appropriate color. I have a gut feeling that messing with Rich Edit paint messages is not a Good Thing, but I have not ruled it out.... Yet.
I have tried neither of these solutions and would be interested in hearing from you if you try them, either successfully or unsuccessfully.
Thanks to David Davies for mentioning the problem.
I wrote a
TConversion class for my application's documents and used
TRichEdit::RegisterConversionFormat to associate the file
extension with the converter. If I open one of my
application's documents, the data is converted as
expected. If I then open a *.txt file without
restarting the program, TRichEdit tries to convert the
plain text as if it were one of my application's
documents. Similarly, if I first open a *.txt file
and then open one of my application's documents, the data
is not converted. What is going on?
The interactions between TConversion class and TRichEdit::Lines->LoadFromFile(), SaveToFile(), LoadFromStream(), and SaveToStream() are, at best, unintuitive. To me they are simply buggy.
The problem is buried in the TRichEditStrings class (TRichEdit::Lines property) and is implemented in comctrls.pas. The first time a file is loaded using LoadFromFile(), TRichEditStrings looks up the file extension in the list of registered converters and, if it is found, assigns the converter to a variable called FConverter. If no converter is found, a default text converter (which does nothing) -- not the TRichEdit::DefaultConverter -- is created and assigned to FConverter. However, if FConverter is not null, the assignment is not made and the previously assigned converter is used.
This has implications for SaveToFile() as well. When you load a file, FConverter is initialized. If you then save the file with a different file extension, SaveToFile() will use the old converter. For example, say you wrote a converter and associated it with *.xyz. You then open a *.txt file and save it as a *.xyz file. The data will be saved as a plain text file (with, of course, the xyz extension).
Note that TRichEdit::DefaultConverter may not work quite as you would expect either. It will only be used for LoadFromStream() and SaveToStream() operations. And, if you LoadFromFile() and then SaveToStream(), the converter used for LoadFromFile() will still be used for streaming the data out.
Sadly, I have no solutions short of rewriting significant portions of the TRichEdit and TRichEditStrings classes or doing your own streaming directly from the underlying Rich Edit control. See the EM_STREAMIN and EM_STREAMOUT messages in the WinAPI and the TRichEditRawRtf class code on this site if you are interested in the latter approach.
I need details on
the Rich Text Format (RTF) encoding format. Where can
I get more information on the RTF specification?
You probably already know this, but Rich Text Format is a specification unique to and fully controlled by Microsoft. There is no standard outside of what Microsoft shares with us. Given that, the specification can be found on Microsoft's site. I suggest that you search the Microsoft KnowledgeBase for the most current information, but here is what I found when I posted this FAQ:
Microsoft KnowledgeBase article titled: WD: Rich Text Format (RTF) Specification 1.5 Appnote (GC0165):
Microsoft has an Application Note available: Rich Text Format (RTF) Specification and Sample RTF Reader (GC0165) that contains:
You can get this Application Note at:
I am taking a C/C++
class and my homework assignment requires that I print the
result of several computations. The instructor has
given me code to print the results but it does not
Apparently, many C/C++ course instructors are unfamiliar with the Windows operating system. This is, by itself, not necessarily a Bad Thing. For their students that use Windows development tools, however, it creates much confusion and frustration. Typically, the sample code provided by the instructor looks something like this:
C programs:
printf("The answer is: %i", theAnswerVariable); /* or */ fprintf(stdout, "The answer is: %i", theAnswerVariable);
C++ programs:
cout << "The answer is: " << theAnswerVariable;
The instructor will generally tell you to run your program (named "myprog.exe" below) from the MS-DOS command line like this:
C:>myprog >> prn:
C:>myprog >> lpt1:
If this looks similar to your homework assignment instructions, then this FAQ may help.
The standard C/C++ input/output (I/O) techniques do not work with Windows programs. Neither do the MS-DOS techniques for redirecting output to the printer. Despite the strong temptation, I will not go into a long-winded explanation of early teletype devices, MS-DOS command line redirection, the ANSI character code set, the development of the C and C++ languages, the evolution of the associated I/O libraries, and the history of the world. No, I will not even mention these pre-requisites. Just take my word for it -- these routines and techniques do not work in the Windows environment.
So, how do you get your homework assignment answers printed? A simple solution is to send the output to a disk file and then open and print the file using the Microsoft Windows NotePad program. If you have not changed the default Windows *.txt file association, then the following should work.
C programs:
/* you may need to #include <stdio.h> */ /* open the disk file. */ FILE* outfile; /* open to write, replace if already exists */ outfile = fopen("c:\temp.txt", "w+"); /* "print" to the file. substitute all of the printf() parameters for "..." below. fprintf(outfile, ...); /* close the disk file. */ fclose(outfile);
C++ programs:
// you may need to #include <fstream.h> // open the disk file. ofstream outStr("c:\temp.txt"); // "print" to the file (stream). outStr << /* same things that you would have sent to cout */; // the stream is automatically closed when outStr goes out of scope. // you can use outStr.close() to explicitly close the file.
Of course, the above instructions are for simple text files -- the same stuff that you would have sent to the standard output device (stdout for C or cout for C++). Binary files are a different matter entirely....
Now that you have created the text file, simply open the file using Microsoft's NotePad program and print it.
Big Note: I have not tested the above code (it is pretty basic). If you use it, please let me know that it works (so that I can remove this warning) or that it does not (so that I can fix it). Thanks.
I want to print an
RTF document file, but I do not need to display it in a
Rich Edit control. Can I simply print the document
without using all of the Rich Edit printing code on your
Yes, you can print an RTF document using WordPad without all of the great code on my site. The trick is to execute WordPad with "filename.rtf -p" as command line parameters. You should be able to do this with a short-cut, with the C execl() or spawnl() function or the variants, or with the WinAPI ShellExecute() or ShellExecuteEx() functions. (Note: Since WordPad is uses Rich Edit 1.0, you are limited to Rich Edit 1.0 functionality.)
Thanks to Hal Davitt for working out the details.
You used the phrase
"RTF round-tripping." What the &*$% is
This is a really great example of what top-notch marketing departments do -- they transform an unimplemented function into a feature. And Microsoft clearly has an above-average marketing department. If you ever have a chance to hire an ex-Microsoft Marketing person for a marketing position, do it -- these guys are good!
To answer your question, you must first understand that there is an official Microsoft specification for RTF. In fact, there are several versions of the specification (RTF 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0). None of the Rich Edit controls fully implemented the latest version of the RTF specification when the specifications were released. On the other hand, some other products did implement the (then current) RTF specification. For example, Microsoft Word can save files in RTF format and generally uses a more current version of the RTF specification than the current Rich Edit control implements.
Rich Edit 1.0 had a really nasty habit of removing RTF codes that it did not understand. This meant that, if you created an RTF document in Word (say, RTF 1.5), loaded it into WordPad (say, RTF 1.0), and then saved it from WordPad, then any RTF codes that WordPad did not understand would be tossed out and not saved in the resulting RTF file.
Microsoft attempted to resolve this problem in Rich Edit 2.0+. It tries to be more intelligent when dealing with unknown RTF codes. There are now a number of RTF codes that it recognizes and does not throw away. That is, if you load the file into a Rich Edit 2.0+ control and then save it, some of the "unknown" codes will not be lost. However, these RTF codes are not implemented when displaying or printing the Rich Edit's contents.
So, to tell you what the Microsoft marketing department is not telling you: "RTF round-tripping" is a code-word meaning that the control does not remove the RTF codes, but the Rich Edit control does not use them to display or print the text contained in the control.
When a user pastes
text from the Clipboard into my TRichEdit control, I want
the text to be unformatted. I set the PlainText
property to true but, when the user pastes text, formatted
text is inserted. How do I ensure that pasted text is
The TRichEdit::PlainText property affects only streaming actions (TRichEdit::Lines->LoadFromStream() and TRichEdit::Lines->LoadFromFile()). Clipboard operations do not use streams.
By default, the TRichEdit control passes keystrokes to the underlying Windows Rich Edit control. The native Rich Edit control interprets <Shift-Insert> and <Ctrl-V> keystrokes as instructions to insert text from the Clipboard. The Rich Edit control will attempt to insert the Clipboard contents in the "most suitable format" (my words, not Microsoft's). This means that, if possible, the control will insert the text with the original formatting.
To force the TRichEdit component to insert text without formatting, you must trap any actions that insert text from the Clipboard. Below is an example that traps the <Shift-Insert> keystroke using the TRichEdit OnKeyDown event and forces the text to be inserted without formatting. Trapping other keystrokes, mouse operations, etc., is left as "an exercise for the student."
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TForm1::RichEdit1KeyDown(TObject *Sender, WORD &Key, TShiftState Shift) { // create a TshiftState set that corresponds to only the shift key TShiftState ss; ss = ss << ssShift; // does the message correspond to <Shift-Insert>? if (Key == VK_INSERT && Shift == ss) { // null out the key code to prevent further processing Key = 0; // create a REPASTESPECIAL structure to use in the // EM_PASTESPECIAL message REPASTESPECIAL reps = { 0, 0 }; // tell the Rich Edit control to insert unformatted text (CF_TEXT) ::SendMessage(RichEdit1->Handle, EM_PASTESPECIAL, CF_TEXT, (LPARAM) &reps); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Is there a simple
way to use regular expressions with TRichEdit
controls? Most regular expression libraries use a
unique syntax what is the particular syntax used by
the VCL library?
The VCL regular expression library included in BCB4 and BCB5 is fairly simple to use. You may want to use the TTaeRegExp class available on this site. See the download available in the Code Samples section of this site.
If you want to develop your own code from scratch, search for "Perl-compatible regular expressions" topic in the BCB help.
My program works
flawlessly on my development machine. However, some
users have problems printing with certain printers which I
do not have available for testing. Is there a way to
recreate the problems on my development machine?
If the problem is that the print does not look as expected, you will probably need to get the specific hardware configuration set up in your test lab to see the actual printed output. On the other hand, if the problem is that the program generates a GPF, you may be able to reproduce the problem by simply installing the printer driver that the user has installed.
I assume that you would already have asked the user to install the most current drivers available from the printer manufacturer and the problem persisted. So, go grab the same driver from the manufacturer's site and install it as a local (non-networked) printer. If the install program complains that you do not have the printer attached, you may (should!) be able to continue the installation (lie to the install program if necessary).
If you can get the driver installed, go into Start Menu | Settings | Printers and right-click the newly installed printer. From the context menu, select Properties. This will bring up the printer's Properties dialog. Select the Details tab and change the "print to" destination from "LPT1:" (or whatever hardware port you selected during the installation) to "File:" Change any other printer settings to match your user's printer settings.
Barring any user network issues, the new printer should operate identically to the user's configuration except that whenever your program sends print to this printer, it will send the output to a file. (You will be prompted for a destination filename each time that you print.) If your program is, indeed, causing the problem that the user reported, you should now be able to reproduce it.
The TRichEdit
component takes much longer than WordPad to open large
files. Can I improve the load times?
You can try disabling the ENM_REQUESTRESIZE notification., which corresponds to the TRichEdit OnResizeRequest event, while loading the file with the following code:
int mask = ::SendMessage(RichEdit1->Handle, EM_GETEVENTMASK, 0, 0); ::SendMessage(RichEdit1->Handle, mask & ~ENM_REQUESTRESIZE, 0, 0); [ load the file ] ::SendMessage(RichEdit1->Handle, EM_SETEVENTMASK, 0, mask);
Thanks to Petr Vones for this suggestion.
How do I save and
restore the current scroll position in a TRichEdit
First, a brief description of the problem: Assume that you are writing a chat room program. As new messages are a posted in the chat room, you want to append them to the text in the control. However, to do this, you must position the caret at the bottom of the text and then insert the text. Finally, you need to restore the original caret position (easy) and scroll back such that the top line displayed is the same one as before inserting the text (not so easy).
Here is a trick posted by Peter Below (TeamB) in a Delphi forum. I have translated, modified, and expanded the original post somewhat for presentation here. Hopefully, I have not munged it too badly.
// first save the current caret location int selStart = RichEdit1->SelStart; int selLength = RichEdit1->SelLength; // get the line number of the first visible line int firstLine = ::SendMessage(RichEdit1->Handle, EM_GETFIRSTVISIBLELINE, 0 , 0); // disable screen redraws RichEdit1->Lines->BeginUpdate(); [ move the caret, insert the text, etc. ] // restore the caret location RichEdit1->SelStart = selStart; RichEdit1->SelLength = selLength; // here is the trick - get the current first visible line, // compute the number of lines to scroll, and scroll... int currLine = ::SendMessage(RichEdit1->Handle, EM_GETFIRSTVISIBLELINE, 0, 0); ::SendMessage(RichEdit1->Handle, EM_LINESCROLL, 0, firstLine currLine); // enable screen redraws RichEdit1->Lines->EndUpdate();
In truth, this solves only half of the problem. The vertical position has been restored, but the horizontal position may not be correct.
Michael Buschbeck offers the following solution for restoring the horizontal position:
// get horizontal scroll bar position int nHorzScrollPos = ::GetScrollPos(RichEdit1->Handle, SB_HORZ); [ do whatever you want ] // restore horizontal scroll bar position ::SendMessage(RichEdit1->Handle, WM_HSCROLL, SB_THUMBPOSITION | (nHorzScrollPos << 16), 0);
By the way, if you are using a component based on Rich Edit 3.0, there is a much easier way see the EM_GETSCROLLPOS and EM_SETSCROLLPOS messages.
Where can I find a
code sample to do <something>?
There are many sites with sample code and web rings and search sites to help locate these sites. Of course, the Borland newsgroups are also a great source of information....
However, BCB comes with lots of useful sample code that is easy to overlook. Before wasting a lot of time searching the Internet for answers, you might want to spend a few minutes searching the Examples folder in the BCB installation directory (for BCB5, the default is C:\Program Files\Borland\CBuilder5\Examples other versions are similar). Some of the neat things that are included with BCB5 Professional (other versions may not include all of these or may include even more):
If you do not find the examples, then you may not have installed them check the BCB installation disk. Assuming that your CD drive is D: and that you have BCB5, look in D:\RunImage\CBuilder5\Examples. Adjust as necessary for a different CD drive assignment or version of BCB.
The BCB5 Professional installation disk also includes:
So, check out the samples hopefully, this will save you a bit of time....
How do I trap
double-clicks on a TRichEdit?
Remy Lebeau (Gambit) offered the following solution in a C++ Builder forum. Simply publish the unpublished OnDblClick event like so:
class PACKAGE TMyRichEdit : public TRichEdit { public: __fastcall TMyRichEdit(TComponent* Owner); __published: __property OnDblClick; }; __fastcall TMyRichEdit::TMyRichEdit(TComponent* Owner) : TRichEdit(Owner) { } void __fastcall TForm1::MyRichEditDblClick(TObject* Sender) { ShowMessage("double-clicked"); }
Thanks for sharing, Remy.
How do I get the
TRichEdit to scroll to the bottom of the text when new
lines are added?
To scroll to the bottom of the text in the component, move the selection to the bottom and then tell the TRichEdit to scroll to the caret like so:
RichEdit1->SelLength = 0; RichEdit1->SelStart = RichEdit1->GetTextLen(); ::SendMessage(RichEdit1->Handle, EM_SCROLLCARET, 0, 0);
If that does not work, you may need to add code to ensure that the Rich Edit control has focus. For example:
TWinControl* activeControl = Form1->ActiveControl; Form1->ActiveControl = RichEdit1; [ do the above here ] Form1->ActiveControl = activeControl;
Finally, the TRichEdit::HideSelection property may play a role; try setting the property to false.
I am using Rich
Edit 2.0/3.0 and set the paragraph line spacing to single,
1.5, or double using PARAFORMAT2.bLineSpacingRule.
After setting the spacing to 1.5 or double, I cannot set
the paragraph line spacing back to single-spacing.
What gives?
The EM_SETPARAFORMAT message appears to work properly with PARAFORMAT2.bLineSpacingRule set to 1 (1.5 spacing) or 2 (double-spacing). However, as you have found, setting the paragraph line spacing back to single-spacing (bLineSpacingRule = 0) has no effect. This appears to be a bug in both RE 2.0 and 3.0.
To clarify/simplify the question and solution, assume the following function:
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SetLineSpacing(int lineSpacing) { PARAFORMAT2 pf2; ::memset(&pf2, 0, sizeof(PARAFORMAT2)); pf2.cbSize = sizeof(PARAFORMAT2); pf2.dwMask = PFM_LINESPACING; pf2.bLineSpacingRule = lineSpacing; ::SendMessage(RichEdit1->Handle, EM_SETPARAFORMAT,0, (LPARAM) &pf2); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
If you call the above with SetLineSpacing(1), the selected paragraph(s) will be spaced at 1.5 times the line height as expected. If you then call SetLineSpacing(2), the paragraph(s) will be properly double-spaced. However, subsequent calls of SetLineSpacing(0) will not result in the expected and documented paragraph single-spacing.
The work-around is easy once you know how the PARAFORMAT2.bLineSpacingRule = 5 sets the line height in twentieths of a single line's height; this works correctly for 20 twentieths (single-spacing). The following revision to the above code ensures that EM_GETPARAFORMAT returns the proper value (0) in PARAFORMAT2.bLineSpacingRule.
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SetLineSpacing(int lineSpacing) { PARAFORMAT2 pf2; ::memset(&pf2, 0, sizeof(PARAFORMAT2)); pf2.cbSize = sizeof(PARAFORMAT2); pf2.dwMask = PFM_LINESPACING; // if single-spacing, set to 20 twentieths if (!lineSpacing) { pf2.bLineSpacingRule = 5; // space in 20ths of a line height pf2.dyLineSpacing = 20; ::SendMessage(RichEdit1->Handle, EM_SETPARAFORMAT, 0, (LPARAM) &pf2); } // drop through even if lineSpacing == 0 to ensure // correct value from bLineSpacingRule with EM_GETPARAFORMAT pf2.bLineSpacingRule = lineSpacing; ::SendMessage(RichEdit1->Handle, EM_SETPARAFORMAT, 0, (LPARAM) &pf2); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Thanks to Lincoln Silk and Paivi Majaranta bringing this bug to my attention and for helping me work through it.
In my program, the
TRichEdit flashes excessively when I do certain
things. That is, it appears to be redrawn
frequently. How do I eliminate flicker in TRichEdit
While you may not be able to completely eliminate redrawing, you can definitely minimize it. The typical answer and one that I have given for years is to use code like this:
RichEdit1->Lines->BeginUpdate(); [do the stuff that causes flicker] RichEdit1->Lines->EndUpdate();
I suggest that you try this first. However, you may still get a lot of flicker because the VCL forces the TRichEdit window to be redrawn after many of the component's operations.
You can take total control using the WinAPI, but you will need to be careful. Here are the pieces of code:
// disable redrawing ::SendMessage(RichEdit1->Handle, WM_SETREDRAW, 0, 0); [do the stuff that causes flicker] // tell Windows to ignore anything previously done that might have changed // the contents of the window ::ValidateRect(RichEdit1->Handle, 0); // re-enable drawing ::SendMessage(RichEdit1->Handle, WM_SETREDRAW, 1, 0);
As I mentioned, you must be careful with this code to be sure that the screen is properly updated when necessary. At this point, the TRichEdit window has not been redrawn to reflect any changes. If you moved the caret, modified text, or did anything else that changed what should be displayed, the control will not properly reflect this. To force the control to redraw itself, use one of the following:
::InvalidateRect(RichEdit1->Handle, 0, 1); // erase background and redraw ::InvalidateRect(RichEdit1->Handle, 0, 0); // redraw without erasing background
The above tells Windows that the RichEdit contents should be updated "when convenient." To force an immediate repainting of the window (rather than waiting for Windows "to get around to it"), add the following:
Finally, a warning: Do not use the above inside of a WM_PAINT message handler or the VCL Paint() method.
The VCL TRichEdit component works
properly on Windows 95/98/NT but behaves oddly on Windows
2000. What is causing this?
Assuming that your code is not at fault, the problem may have something to do with the way that Microsoft has implemented RichEdit 1.0 (TRichEdit uses RE 1.0) support for Windows 2000. If you check the size of riched32.dll, I think that you will find that the file is somewhere around 4KB, nowhere near the normal 160+KB for the full RE 1.0 DLL. This leads me to believe that W2K riched32.dll is a "wrapper" that simply forwards calls to riched20.dll (RE 2.0/3.0). And, based on the reports that I have received, it appears to be a rather buggy wrapper.
If you are confident that your code is correct, my best advice is to try to convert your code to use RE 2.0/3.0 directly. You can find links to a couple of the better-known free Delphi-based components on my Links page or you can try the TRichEdit20 class (free) or TaeRichEdit Component (free only for non-commercial use), both available on this site.
My program loads riched20.dll (i.e.,
it uses RichEdit 2.0/3.0). Is it possible to
determine at runtime which version (2.0 or 3.0) is actually
Here is one way: See the Code Snippet. Note that, if you have the source for the component, you might want to modify the sample code to use the module handle returned from ::LoadLibrary() instead of obtaining the handle using ::GetModuleHandle().
In addition to left, center, and right
paragraph justification, the RichEdit 2.0 PARAFORMAT2
structure includes a "full justification" value
(PFA_JUSTIFY). It does not seem to work. Any
Try adding the following to enable some of the more advanced line-breaking features:
Note: The WinAPI help states that this is a RichEdit 3.0-only message. However, I would try it with RE 2.0 since the documentation is so frequently incorrect.
Microsoft Word's spell-checker
underlines misspelled words with a red wavy
underline. Can RichEdit controls do this?
There are two parts to this question: (1) Can you create a wavy underline and (2) can you color the underline red while leaving the text color unchanged. RichEdit 1.0 supports only a plain underline and the color cannot be separately specified. RichEdit 2.0 supports at least a couple of underline types (single, double, and word) according to the documentation. RichEdit 3.0 supports even more underline styles including thick, wave, dash, dash-dot, dash-dot-dot, and dotted (I have not verified that they all work; the wavy style *does* work). Since setting the underline color to a different color than the text is listed as a RichEdit 3.0 enhancement, I assume that it does not work with prior versions. However, many RE 2.0 features are undocumented, so it may be worth trying if you are using RE 2.0.
All of that said, here is how it works: Set the lower nibble of the CHARFORMAT2 bUnderlineType to the desired underline style and set the upper nibble of bUnderlineType to values of 1 to 15 (0x1? to 0xf?) to set the color. (Be sure to read "the catch" at the bottom of this entry.)
For example, the following code will add a wavy red underline to the selected text in a RE 3.0:
// create a CHARFORMAT2 structure ::CHARFORMAT2 cf2; // initialize the CHARFORMAT2 structure to modify the underline type ::memset(&cf2, 0, sizeof(cf2)); cf2.cbSize = sizeof(cf2); cf2.dwMask = CFM_UNDERLINETYPE; // set the underline type to the wavy style and the color to red cf2.bUnderlineType = CFU_UNDERLINEWAVE | 0x50 /* 5 = red */ // apply the change to the selected text ::SendMessage(RichEdit1->Handle, EM_SETCHARFORMAT, true, (LPARAM) &cf2);
Many thanks to Patrick Blackman for sharing this information.
Unfortunately, there is a catch. Although the above displays correctly, the RE 3.0 control does not appear to save the color value correctly in an RTF document. In fact, if you use any color value other than zero (auto-color), the RE control not only does not save the underscore color, it strips the underscore from the document entirely. Underscore colors may simply be unsupported in RTF; I did not find it in the RTF 1.5 specification. OTOH, this may be yet another RE bug....
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